
Long-Term Efficacy of Class III Treatment in the Growing Patient: the Role of Treatment Timing

Treatment of Class III malocclusion is one of the greatest challenges for the practicing orthodontist. This lecture will focus on those factors that can help the clinician to improve the long-term efficacy of early Class III treatment with rapid maxillary expansion and facemask (RME/FM). In particular, the role of treatment timing (early prepubertal versus late prepubertal treatment) will be discussed. The results of a recent study on the long-term efficacy of RME/FM therapy also will be illustrated. At this regard, a group of 44 patients (27 females and 17 males) with Class III malocclusion treated with RME/FM will be compared with a control group of 17 subjects (12 females and 5 males) with untreated Class III malocclusion. Lateral cephalograms were available for all patients/subjects up to a long-term follow-up over 17 years in females and over 21 years in males. Interstingly enough, this study confirms that in the long-term RME/FM therapy is more effective in controlling mandibular sagittal position/growth, rather than producing a significant advancement of the maxilla.

Learning Objectives

After this lecture, you will be able to understand the role of those factors that can help the clinician to improve the long-term efficacy of Class III treatment
After this lecture, you will be able to understand the long-term efficay of early Class III treatment with rapid maxillary expansion and facemask (RME/FM)
After this lecture, you will be able to evaluate the role of treatment timing on the long-term outcomes of RME/FM therapy